I'm a member of N-E AIKICOM JUKADO MARTIAL ARTS INSTITUTE under Grand Master Shihan Nelson Eresma Sr.-12th Degree Blackbelt and he's my Master also in Tae Kwon Do in our school called the Davao Doctors College Martial Arts Club also known as DDCMAC. The title of the institue means, AI for aikido, KI for Kick boxing, COM for combat, JU for judo, K for karate, A for arnis, and DO for dozu. My highest grade during the exam for green belt is the aikido, but what I practice so much is the arnis. When taking the exam I am very exhausted because you need to do all the katas, forms, and the like with no rest. And in the last part you need to do karate against two knives(real kitchen knife). At first, I was surprised because during my practice I was only taught to fight against one knife. But I'm happy after the exam, because it finally ended. Currently I'm still in green belt level and not able to finish my training due to hectic schedule as a nursing and a graduating student, hope to be back in practice soon...
Happy Valentine's Day My love ♥
12 years ago
1 comment:
Can you give me your master's contact number? I am one of his fellow instructor back in the days, tell him I am Hans...email hansmadrid88@yahoo.com and/or @gmail.com Thanks. I am just looking back from where I belong.
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